Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Technique Tuesday; Dancing In The Light

Good Morning Everybody,
The class got off to a good start yesterday. We wrapped about 5:30 P.M. and then headed over to our home/studio for our getting-to-know-each-other-better Welcome Party and a little R&R. R&R this early in the week - what was I thinking - we've got a 13 hour day planned today! That's right, we are meeting at the hotel at 9:00 A.M. then starting the day heading out to the Phoenix. The Phoenix, by the way, is featured in last week's and today's Technique Tuesday. Check it out below.

Anyway, we have a BIG day planned with several locations and opportunities to shoot. I'll plan to fill you in tomorrow along with some images of the day.

Oh, I almost for got to mention it, but we are running another SPECIAL over at the DPT Digital Resource Center for the next two weeks. Here is the deal - 1 Zumbrella, 1 Shooting At The Speed Of Light DVD (60 minutes) , and 1 Location, Lighting, Lenses, and Composition Webinar (97 minutes) all for the one low price of $59 ($107 value) plus shipping and handling. Only 37 cents a minute for lots of solid info on lighting, exposure, and composition. I think you'll love it. The Webinar attendees last week certainly did. Here is the link to the special offer right here.

Hey gang, let's get on with today's Technique Tuesday. Here we go.

Dancing In The Light
Today's tutorial is a continuation of last week's lighting/photography lesson entitled, "Love Lines" [link]. The bride and I knew we could get some great shots at this wonderful location - the Phoenix in downtown Cincinnati. Here is the trick though. You don't want to be pulling you bridal couple away from their guests and their reception for too long. It's their wedding, not our photo shoot.

I asked Grace and Chris if we could break away for 10-15 minutes, just long enough for the guests to finish dinner. They had finished first, so if they agreed, this would be the perfect time to slip in and out with their absence only being minimally noticed.

They agreed, of course, and now the clock was ticking. I had to get all the shots I wanted in less that 15 minutes and get them back to the reception and their guests. This tutorial walks you through the next set of images I created for Grace and Chris. Backlighting and cool compositional lines make for some pretty dramatic images. This week's tutorial shows you how quickly we put the shots together and the great result we got. Hit the PLAY button below and enjoy the show!

Hey gang, I've got to get moving. Class begins in about an hour and it's a big day today. Check back tomorrow and see what we were up too. See ya' then, -David


  1. Fantastic. The back-lit shots from the bottom of the stairs were especially appealing. Thanks for letting us see how you work.

  2. Another splendid Ziser tutorial. I actually appreciated seeing a little chaos for once, lol... something a part of my everyday world. Brian F.

  3. I wonder how the lady guest onlooker felt about being referred to as a "crowd"!
