I made this image while shooting a beautiful wedding in Key Largo this past October. Part of the Friday "Welcome Party" festivities included a fire works display near the end of the evening. I was without tripod so I hand held the camera, held my breath and shot away. This image is actually a composite of three images, but I think still captures that special celebration of the evening. Camera specs; Canon 40D fitted with 50mm lens, F4.0 @ 1/10 sec at ISO 3200. Enjoy! --David.
Monday, December 31, 2007
I made this image while shooting a beautiful wedding in Key Largo this past October. Part of the Friday "Welcome Party" festivities included a fire works display near the end of the evening. I was without tripod so I hand held the camera, held my breath and shot away. This image is actually a composite of three images, but I think still captures that special celebration of the evening. Camera specs; Canon 40D fitted with 50mm lens, F4.0 @ 1/10 sec at ISO 3200. Enjoy! --David.
Good Morning Monday - Who's Watching the Ball Come Down Tonight?

I hope everybody is wrapping up a fine year and looking forward to 2008. Today wraps a very busy first 4 1/2 months of DigitalProTalk "on the air". In that time we've had over 185,000 page views from nearly 50,000 visitors from 143 countries around the world.
My thanks to each and everyone of you for taking the time to give DigitalProTalk a read. My thanks also to all my "industry buddies" and fellow bloggers who support this blog, especially thanks to Scott Kelby who encouraged me to give it a go way back in July and later named it one of his Top 10 blogs to visit.
Here are the DigitalProTalk highlights from over the last 4 months.
Top TEN DigitalProTalk Stories of 2007

2. Ziser Sets New Off Camera Flash Record - A little lighting creativity.
Images of the Day - Everyday

Keep That Tuesday Appointment - Technique Tuesdays

And Wait, There's More

Well everybody, that's it for 2007! As we head into 2008, I wish each and everyone one of you a happy, healthy, prosperous, and peaceful New Year. See you next year. --David
Friday, December 28, 2007
I made this all natural light image of LaDawn, my wife and her daughter, Lindsay while in Cabo San Lucas this past November. The sun was setting at one of the most beautiful spots in the world - the restaurant Sunset Da Mona Lisa . We had just a few minutes to get the shot while the light was just right. The lighting wrapped around their faces beautifully resulting in a beautiful "mother/daughter" portrait. In fact LaDawn just presented the image to Lindsay yesterday - she loved it as does LaDawn!! Camera specs; Canon 40D fitted with 17-85mm IS lens at 22mm, F5.6 @ 1/60 second at ISO 500.
It's "Technique Tuesday" This Friday
Wow! Did we finally make it to "Technique Tuesday -> Thursday -> Friday?" With all the holiday activity, I'm kind of losing track of time. Anyway, I have a lot of great Photoshop information today, a cool article on Depth of Field - I know, how cool can it be - really? Well, let's just say it's very informative, and some great "how-to" strobe info. So let's get right to it...
Keep On Smiling
Become a Pro With One of Photoshop's Most Powerful Tools

So Just What Is In Focus Anyway?

How Do I Use That New Flash?

Hey Gang, that's it for today. - everybody have a great weekend and I'll see you next week. --David
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Here is an image I made earlier today at my family portrait shoot. The whole family was together for the holidays and I scheduled the session for 11 A.M. Just a few hours before one of the daughters headed for the airport at 3:00 P.M. We got a great series of images and I was going to post one of the regular shots discussing the lack of foliage, but still getting the nice result. I thought this image was more fun. We had just about wrapped the shoot and the family wanted something different. I suggested the Toyota jump of a few years ago and everyone loved the idea. Three tries and we got this one - pretty fun. Camera specs; Canon 40D fitted with 70-200mm IS lens at 73mm, F5.6 at 1/250 second at ISO 200. Enjoy! We did. --David
All Smiles Wednesday

And Just When You Thought Santa Made His Last Stop

Training New Personnel In Record Time Without Having Them Feel Overwhelmed

You ask what is Camtasia? It's the software I use to create my "Technique Tuesday" tutorials. I know what you are thinking - I don't need to make tutorials. Think again, "Grasshopper" - my studio manager of over 8 years just retired about 2 months ago. We just hired a wonderful new person, Jennifer, to fill that position. Here is the question - How do you get that new person up to speed without taking hours and even days of your own time to train them?
Is the importance of this - training - starting to sink in? Think of businesses that are well run. What is key to their success? Product of course. But it's also a well trained staff. Just check out any new restaurant chain that opened in your area. Most of the "new hires" go through at least 2 weeks of fairly intensive training. That's why they feel comfortable and the place runs pretty much like clockwork even on their first day. We small business owners can experience the same kinds of success by following the "big guys" example and set up in house training programs ourselves. Camtasia lets us do that fairly easily.
A Pretty Good Start

Wait, There's More - Free Stuff!

Hey, gang, that's about it for today - I'm heading back to my own set of Santa goodies and checking out another DVD on my new Blu-Ray player. See everybody tomorrow. --David
Late Post Wednesday
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
The image was made for one of my corporate client's. It's just a simple shot of this very elegant room just before guests arrived. In these kind of situations I need to work fast, but still capture the beauty and decor of the space. I used my Canon 30D fitted with a 10-22mm lens at 10mm. Exposure was F5.6 for plenty of depth of field at 1/25 second handheld at ISO 1600. I love the colors - hence the post for this holiday season. Enjoy! --David
Merry Christmas Eve Monday
Hope the shopping is finished, the cookies are baked, the mistletoe is placed strategically around the house and you are all enjoy the rest of the season. I know many of us are pretty busy this time of the year so I'm going to keep the posts kind of short today and mostly Christmas centric.
Tomorrow, we will be taking the day off to spend some quiet time in reflection and celebration with LaDawn. I'll still be wishing everyone "Merry Christmas" in the 10 languages of the top 10 countries reading DigitalProTalk. Also, look for "Technique Tuesday" to be renamed and posted "Technique Thursday" for this week and next week. So how about a quick read today...
What's Up and Coming on DigitalProTalk?

- The real history of "Wedding Photography" - the beginnings, the history, and the innovators. I think you will really like it.
- So "How Good Is Your Viewfinder?" All digital cameras have the nifty LCD viewfinder for checking our images, but how close to the "real thing" is that image when it comes to exposure, color, etc. - an interesting read.
- "5 Ways to Get Perfect Exposure From Your On Camera Flash"
- "The must Get Images for Bar Mitzvah Photography" - hey, we try to cover it all right here at DigitalProTalk.
- "My Favorite Lenses to Shoot an Event" - yep, it's a peak into my gear bag.
So stay tuned - good stuff coming down the road!
So If You Have Snow In Your Part Of the World

But I Don't Want To Spend $1000 On A Fisheye Lens!

And Speaking of Christmas Lights

Friday, December 21, 2007
Here is a beautiful image of this handsome couple moments before the reception was about to begin. I always try to get this shot right before the guests enter the room. Everything is set perfectly, the wedding couple come in to see the final result (and are blown away.) This is a terrific opportunity to show them in the beautiful surrounds. Camera specs: Canon 5D fitted with Sigma 12-24mm lens at 17mm, F5.6 @ 1/6 second handheld at ISO 1250. The soft lighting is coming from my off camera flash - a Quantum T5d remotely fired through a 36 inch umbrella. Enjoy! --David
A Fabulous Friday
Just about everything is delivered - Hooray! My clients are thrilled and we can start settling in for the holidays. Well almost, I have another Bar Mitzvah shoot in a beautifully redesigned temple - Adath Israel - today. I'll try to post a few images next week - the architectural is beautiful inside. We have the big party tomorrow at the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center - so one more busy weekend before our break - should be fun though.
Lots of good stuff again today - new announcements from NAPP, a video on the "Secrets of Success", A cool tutorial on time lapse photography, cool stuff, and a beautiful video on the imagery of famous Hollywood photographer - George Hurrell. --Enjoy the Friday reads...
Hot Breaking News - Ziser on International TV!

Here is a short preview of the content of Video courses #1 and #2:
Master Your Lighting, Master Your Market
In this video David will show you how to really separate yourself from the "Flat Lighting" crowd. David will demonstrate just how easily and quickly you can light your images beautifully and dramatically, making them stand out from the crowd. Watch how he quickly uses his portable off-camera flash, filtered flash, bounce flash, back-lighting, and many other lighting techniques to create images that let you really rise above the crowd in a wedding/portrait market that has been diluted with so much flat, one dimensional photography. You don’t shoot weddings – no problem. David’s techniques work equally well for the portrait and senior photographer, or anyone seeking to differentiate their creative look and style from the "rest of the pack."
15 Ways to Make Your On-Camera Flash Take Better Pictures
David will show you how to get the best out of your on camera flash and he doesn't mean using it the good old fashion way. He's talking about creating a beautiful direction of light on your subjects that is far an away better than what most photographers do. He will show several additional techniques that will help you produce amazing images with what the gear you already have. This video will become your most valuable component of your on-camera flash!
Secrets of Success in 8 Words, 3 Minutes

Here is one of those little gems from one of the most interesting sites on the web - TED.com. The site features Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers. Check out Richard St. John's 3 minute presentation on success right here. - I think you will enjoy it - really, really good stuff.
Compressing Time From Months Into Minutes

Master of Masters - The Legendary George Hurrell
Thursday, December 20, 2007

© David A. Ziser
My client was just in yesterday making her final selection of wedding images - this was one of those images. It captures the true elegance of the event with the soaring Calla Lilly's reaching to the domed ceiling of this beautiful venue. The cool ceiling lighting contrasting with the warm tones of the floral arrangement combine for dramatic effect. Camera specs; Canon 5D fitted with a Sigma 12-24mm lens at 17mm, F5.0 @ 1/10 second hand held at ISO 1600.
Thursday -All Day
Lots of good stuff again today. Check out the story on composition from David Tejada and the phenomenal work of Roy Ritchie. Also, we have an update on my battery story - "Dead Again! I Want A New Charge Out of Life!". I'm wrapping the posts with a geography update, and the hottest blog reading tip of the year! Read on....
Designing Photographic Images

And Speaking of Composition, How About Some Color Too

Keep Those Electrons Flowing

From Larry: The best batteries that I've found, that last longer than any others, are a brand called Maha Powerex batteries. There are different mAh levels you can choose from. I currently use the 2700 mAh batteries. You can get these online at Thomas Distributing. They also have a charger that will charge 12 batteries at one time made by a company call Ansmann. It is a smart charger that senses what the batteries need before it starts its charging pattern. I find that I can charge up a whole set of batteries a few days before an event and they hold out. If you are still friendly with the SmartShooter crowd, they offer a discount at Thomas Distributing.
And from Ivan: Very useful post, David. However, with good batteries you also need a good charger... like the La Crosse Technology BC-900 AlphaPower Battery Charger at Amazon. I don't have it yet, but David "Strobist" have been raving about it.
My Geography Is a Little Off

Bonus Tip - And the Best Tip of the Day!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
This is one of my favorite "low-light" images. I was photographing this wonderful Greek wedding. What's a Greek Wedding - that's where they start dancing when they walk in the door and only stop slightly at the end of the night. The room was full of excitement and the dancing was at it's peak. I wanted to capture that feeling. I went up to the balcony with my Nikon D1X fitted with my 50mm F1.4 lens - Nikon was my camera at the time. How was I going to stop the action - ISO 3200, yes, a bit noisy, but still looked good. It became a panorama page in their album. Camera was set to F2 @ 1/30 second.
Wednesday - Half Way to the Weekend
Well, we are half way to the weekend and I still haven't started the holiday shopping! Maybe today, probably not. But still good information today, so on with the news...
10 Mostly Free Ways to Improve Your Photography Business

- Be sure that the studio and reception area is neat and clean at all times. Have everything perfect for the next client.
- Take some time to freshen up your samples - it will make you think you own a new studio and everybody likes things new.
- Head to Sam's or Costco and spend $20 bucks on fresh flowers. It make the reception area look nice and smell great. Heck, if you work out of your home, it's a tax write off, but always tell your wife that they were for her - double whammy good effect!
- Call a client a day for 5 days, and tell them you were thinking about them, thank them for their business, or just to check in on them. When you find out that doesn't hurt, try making it studio policy at least once a month.
- Make it a Studio Policy to send a Thank You note to each client, that's everybody that has ordered pictures. If you don't have the address, include the Thank You note with their delivered photographs.
- Wrap the wedding album(s) in bows when delivering them - obviously Christmas bows at Christmastime. It just make them look nice and the client's notice.
- I love this one, Always have cookies baking so that you have that wonderful aroma wafting throughout the premises. Thanks to Sandy Puc for that idea. (I think I might patent a "baking cookie aroma" air freshener.)
- Pick up a few of those "Inspiration/Happy Thought/Beautiful Picture/etc-a-Day" calenders and keep one on your desk and your employees desk.
- Dress up for your appointments - something easy and comfortable - it stands you out from the crowd and your clients will notice.
- And finally, get your daily dose of Digital ProTalk right here - what better way to start the day.
It's Scary But True - Wedding Photography Alternatives

This probably explains why a buddy of mine just secured the domain name - http://www.cheapassweddings.com/. I think he may be redefining his market :~) On a similar note, I know another photographer who has a studio named "Cheap and Chic Weddings." They have college photography students shoot the weddings to help cut the costs, but the availability of add on products and upgrades gets the average sale up for them - an interesting concept - Here is their site.
Another Nice Article on Lighting

Hump Day Diversion

That's about it for today, everybody. We have a busy day today and I've got to run. See everybody tomorrow, --David
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

© David A. Ziser
This image was made while in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico just a few weeks ago. We were driving through the Barrio, just outside the city, on a chilly, rainy evening. The light was just disappearing from the scene. The very slow exposure and the motion blur combined for an extremely provocative image. I brought it into Photoshop and tried many variations but finally settled for the original image, totally unmanipulated in any way other than a very slight crop to the left. The image, to me, is very eerie with a certain tenseness about it. It almost begs the viewer to even be wary viewing it for any length of time, but nevertheless continues to draw the viewer into itself in an almost hypnotic way. Camera specs: Canon 40D fitted with 17-85mm lens at 66mm, F5.7 @ 5.2 seconds at ISO 400. Enjoy! --David
Technique Tuesday 12.18.07
Tried as I might, the posts went out this afternoon instead of this morning as I usually try to do. Just too much morning holiday shopping. Anyway, a good post today leading off with our Technique Tuesday tutorial following up with some more Photoshop tips, my self portrait (suitable for framing;~) and a few more goodies to boot. So on with the day...
Designer Portraiture or How to Fool Mother Nature
Thank You to Graham r for pointing out after last week's Technique Tuesday - "Winter Wonderland Any Time of the Year", that you can drag the "Extract Highlighter" off and around the canvass space reconnecting at the other side just like the "lasso" tool. Yep, works just fine - Thanks, Graham. Here is another link showing 5 background masking techniques right here.
Just When I Thought I was Done For the Holidays, A Self Portrait Assignment
So my brain starts thinking - OK, I'm a wedding guy so I've got to be dressed up like in a suit for this portrait - no problem here. But if I'm dressed up, maybe I should be in a wedding situation, too. Those "brain gears" were turning even faster now. Since I've been playing around with the "Extract Tool" in Photoshop these last two weeks - see today's tutorial entitled "Designer Portraits" above and "Winter Wonderland Any Time of the Year" from last week's Technique Tuesday.

Now let's drop it into Photoshop, run the "extract" tool on the image - I was smart enough to keep the stuff behind me fairly bright so the extraction process went fairly quickly. Finally, "presto", there I am on that checkerboard Photoshop canvas. Next, drop in one of my favorite wedding images and I thought I was home free - until..... I saw Canon was spelled backwards - that darn mirror image. I managed to get the text reversed, but now the shutter button was on the wrong side of the camera. I thought about blogging Canon's new line of "left-handed" cameras but I didn't think that would fly. What to do -
I just flipped me, but now I'm on the wrong side of the wedding image covering up the bride and groom. You guessed it - I flipped the bride and groom image and removed his boutonniere - who will ever know. I finished things up in Photoshop and now have a nice new PR image. Actually the process was kind of fun. Check out EpicEdits right here to see what the other "contestants" are doing. And, Brian, next time I'm coming up with the challenge :~) And, by the way, count me in on your Fine Art blog - I'll get some images together.
Save Time - Not Money

A Now a Few Thank Yous

Thank you to Chris Grandell, one of my Digital Master Class alums, who offered a link to a very well done Nikon D3 and Canon 1Ds MarkIII side by side sharpness comparison. Here is the link. Thanks, Chris.
And another thank you to Dresden Engle, Public Relations Manager, George Eastman House for his nice note about my mention of George Eastman House for spreading the word about their upcoming wiki and current podcasts in my post entitled "Every Single Thing You Ever Wanted to Know About Photography":
Hey, gang, that's about it for today. Hope you enjoyed the "read" and I hope to see you tomorrow. Areverderchi, David
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday - And Only 9 Days Till Christmas

So are the orders delivered, the shopping completed, the cookies made, the tree lit - well, I would have to answer NO on about all counts - but we are a lot closer. On the whole, we are in pretty good shape. Before we get into news and tips not to be missed for today, let me bring you up to date on a few things. Our DigitalProTalk Flicker group is moving along - thanks to all of you who have joined and have submitted images - we have a small, but growing collection. You can take a peek right here.
On the Newsletter note -I know it is a bit late this month - the holiday rush around here is always nuts - I plan to get the last copies out by the end of the year. If you are not on the list, you can "Safe Subscribe" right here or on the top right of this page.
One last thing, I mentioned earlier that we were still taking registrations for my Spring Master Class at the old 2006-2007 prices. Costs our going up in about two weeks so you can save a few dollars on the class if you sign up by the end of the year. Give a call if interested and reserve your space - the class info and contact info is right here. So now on with the program...
So, Is Everybody Happy???

So You Want to Be a Wedding Photographer
Formatting Flash Cards - the Right Way

Also, don't delete images from the card in the camera - I've heard that can lead to some "nasties" too. Hey, for a more thorough discussion, I would check out the article right here.
Rumor Mill - Yes, Yes, Really? No, I Don't Believe It.

So What's Coming Up Down the Road?