I made this image yesterday while on a walk around the neighborhood down here in Cabo. I really like the simple lines and colors of the cactus contrasting against the very dark background. I find it is a very nice study of nature's simplicity that each of us can see- if we only take the time. More images below in the Creativity 3 article. Camera specs: Canon 40D fitted with 100mm Macro lens, F16 @ 1/200 second, ISO 200. My Quantum radio controlled Canon 580EXII flash supplied the side to back lighting. Enjoy! --David
Friday, November 30, 2007
I made this image yesterday while on a walk around the neighborhood down here in Cabo. I really like the simple lines and colors of the cactus contrasting against the very dark background. I find it is a very nice study of nature's simplicity that each of us can see- if we only take the time. More images below in the Creativity 3 article. Camera specs: Canon 40D fitted with 100mm Macro lens, F16 @ 1/200 second, ISO 200. My Quantum radio controlled Canon 580EXII flash supplied the side to back lighting. Enjoy! --David
So Sad It's Friday
Yep, today is our last day in sunny Cabo - although as LaDawn and I were sitting on the patio, we were hit with 16 raindrops. They say it only rains seven days a year down here - I don't know if this counts as one of those times but it still was not going to rain on our parade. If you want to follow the trip in more detail, head on over the Dave and LaDawn on the road right here.

Give Youself Some Homework - Creativity 3

For me this helps keep the creative juices flowing, both personally and professionally. People jog, do Pilates, work out for their bodies, but what do we do for our minds?? For too many of us, it's plopping down in front of a rerun of "Survivor". Hey, don't get me wrong - I like a little "junk food" TV myself (like Law and Order - why would you watch anything else?). But we do need to squish the brain cells now and then to keep our photographic talents and lives fresh, new, exciting, and challenging.
This is exactly what we did yesterday on our walk. I wanted to pick one lens, in this case my 100mm Macro lens - see yesterday's post - but I added this self-assignment. All shots must be illuminated with auxiliary lighting. For me it was creating the direction of light on each subject- in this case mostly flowers and cacti. I wanted to use this single light to establish my own creative context in which the subjects were rendered leaving only the natural element itself mostly removed from it's natural surrounds thereby allowing the viewer to focus on nature's beautiful simplicity. "Sticky Situation" - today's image exemplifies that simplicity. Also, check out the image of the palm frawn below, again beautiful simplicity.
And let me leave you with "Beauty in Blue" - a simple shot of part of a "Bird of Paradise" flower. Simplicity, elegance, beauty - not bad for a little walk around the block. I invite each of you to enjoy the experience at least every few months or so. Hey, that's better than a Pilates workout everyday ;~)
P.S. I'll discuss the technique next week in our "Technique Tuesday" so tune back in then.
An Even More Good Stuff - Three Great Lighting Lessons

- Creating "portrait lighting" in not to good "portrait lighting" situations - like high noon sun.
- Finding Good backgrounds
- More Stuff From 1 & 2
More Inspiration Than You Can Shake a Stick At - 99 Great Portfolios

Every Single Thing You Ever Wanted to Know About Photography

That's it for today, everybody. We head on back to Cincy bright and early tomorrow. Have a great weekend!
See ya' Monday. --David
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I made this image years ago on my trusty old Hasselblad camera. It was shot right before the ceremony as everyone was gathered in the bridal room. The original image was a fairly wide angle image of all the bride, bridesmaids, and parents. When I saw the proof, I also saw the real story taking place in the top left hand corner of the frame. I cropped it in close and there it was, a very tender moment of the bride's father leaning over giving his beautiful daughter a few final words of loving advise. The close crop on the image left me with quite a bit of film grain, but I think the grain along with the light flaring a bit in the top left corner of the image adds much more to its storytelling appeal. Camera spec approximate: Hasselblad camera fitted with 50mm Distagon lens, F4 @ 1/30 second, Kodak Vericolor 400 film. Enjoy! --David
A Thoroughly Thoughtful Thursday
I have to say, this Cabo visit really has all of us in slow motion. I'm taking a constant "ribbing" from my friends and wife, LaDawn - their mantra - more margaritas, less blogging! All kidding aside here is what is on for today: Part 2 of my "Creativity Series"; some creative insights from master digital artist, John Caponigro; an invite to Matt McGraw's site; and some Christmas goodies, so on with the program...

To Many Choices, Too Little Time - Creativity: Part 2

My favorite lens for this kind of shoot 24-105 IS, 100mm macro ( boy, I sure wish Canon made an IS macro like Nikon has), 70-300 mm IS, 10-22mm wide angle, and maybe the fisheye. I tried this exercise with the fisheye a few days ago and kept shooting my feet. When we get back in town, I'm going to pick up some extension tubes - then I will really be ready - Fisheye macro photography. Anyway, I hope you get the idea here - it's just fun to play. In a few hours, we are heading out on a walk to explore our surrounds here in Cabo. I'm all set up with my 100mm macro. I'll share a few images tomorrow.
A Master at Creative Imagery

Some Very Cool Wedding Images From One of the Best In North Carolina

Only 27 Days Till Christmas!!!
How About Some Free Stuff - yep that's what I said. You can get a whole bunch of free goodies right over here at Adidap.com. They got the tips on how to shoot Christmas lights, gift ideas from inexpensive to pricey for the photog in your life, 300 Christmas brushes and Christmas card templates for Photoshop, even Photoshop templates for your 2008 calendar.
But wait, there's more! - there is even a Photoshop tutorial on how to turn any of your pictures into a snow globe!!! What better way to get into the holiday spirit. On that note, gang, I'm heading out for a bit more sunshine. See everybody tomorrow. --David
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I made this image on Monday evening while watching the sunset over the capes of Cabo. One cool thing about sunsets, the show is not over till it's over. We sat there for well over 90 minutes watching it's splendor. By the way, I think this is about the most beautiful place on earth at sunset. Camera specs: Canon 40D fitted with 17-85mm IS lens at 85mm, F8.0 @ 1/60 second at ISO 200.
Wednesday - Cabo Musings
This is our fourth day down here in Cabo San Lucas (actually, Cabo San Jose - just down the road a piece.) Since I've been away from the regular studio routine for a few days, I'm been musing on a few thoughts on Creativity which you can read below. Along those sames lines, I got messin' in Photoshop and that also led to some more thoughts on the subject which you can also read below. Today's post also wraps up on a few more Fisheye pointers and a great link to some outstanding Senior Photography - and I don't mean old people. Enjoy the read today.
How To Get the Brain Juices Flowing
Number 1: Point the camera at something you normally don't point the camera at. I'm have been involved, over many, many months, an on-going project showing how the congregants of a wonderful and active faith community here in Cincinnati are involved with their faith and their community. Making over 6000 images over 4 year period of time on this project has been almost liberating creatively. My assignments with the group were not my "every weekend" wedding shots. I was pointing my camera to different faces and different situations. Telling a new story. This allowed me - forced me to see differently and think creatively about what I was doing - I was not allowed to be on "auto-pilot." This got those mental juices flowing. Those images then further resulted in creating six large art pieces, 44x96, hanging at the Wise Center where people can enjoy them everyday. Below are three of the latest examples.

Cabo - Variations on a Theme

Fisheye Continued... (technique Wednesday)

Heading to SPA, That's SPA - Senior Portrait Artists Meeting

That's it for today, Gang - hope you are having a good one wherever you happen to be. Until tomorrow, Adios! --David
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

© David A. Ziser
I love the "dramatics" of this image created with my Nikon D1x which I owned a few years ago before I made the Canon switch. The camera was fitted with Nikon's Fisheye lens - see fisheye lens article below - exposure was made with the naturally occurring illumination from the lighting in the church. The very low angle picked up what looks like a ceiling panorama of the wonderful decor within this beautiful church. Exposure approximate: F5.6 @ 1/20 second, ISO 800. Enjoy! --David
Hey, It's Technique Tuesday in Cabo
I wonder what the weather is in Cincinnati, Ohio today, but heck do I really care? Just relaxin' in the cool breezes and warm sun in a very beautiful part of the world, Cabo, Mexico. But, I did find a little time to get a pretty good "Technique Tuesday" put together. Hope you enjoy the Fisheye article at the end of today's posts - off we go...
Breaking News - Just In!!!!!+!

Here is 1% of 99% You May Have Missed
For this Technique Tuesday, I'm going to share one of mine. I call it "DAZ Softar". The Softar filter was a very expensive filter for Hasselblad lens, but it gave a beautiful soft effect to the images. Here is how to get a very similar effect in Photoshop. First select a really nice portrait image - someone close up is a good choice.

Hey, if you want the next 99% of the tips, and you are not a NAPP member, get right over to PhotoshopUser right here and sign up - it's the best Photoshop budget money you will ever spend.
Wow! I'm World Famous

I had taken several images before, during and after the renovation project and actually had the opportunity to meet and get to know the organ builder, Fritz Noack, quite well. Apparently, the restoration was to be featured in the ISO Journal and I was the "go to" guy for the images. One thing lead to another, my images were forwarded to France where the ISO Journal is published, and the rest is history.
It was kind of cool to open the envelope from France and pull out the magazine with my photograph on the front cover. But fame is so fleeting, I'm sure the next issue is in the works and I will soon be forgotten as a great pipe organ photographer. Andy Warhol was so right - everybody gets 15 minutes of fame in their life. So what does this have to do with wedding photography - I do a lot of weddings and Bar Mitzvahs here - and get to hear the beautiful music of this historic organ.
And Speaking of World Religions - JPG vs. RAW Again

Technique Tuesday - In the Eye of the Beholder - the Beholder's Fisheye, That Is.
This lens is not about big faces and noses like you see a lot over at Flickr. The lens gave a perspective that was so unique and different, it definitely differentiated me from the competition. You had to learn a few tricks to get the best out of it though - don't put the subject too close to the corners or you would create a "Mr. Gumby" stretch effect, the curvature is OK if used creatively, and don't take a picture of your on-camera flash or your feet, just to name a few of the simple yet needed-to-know tricks. Take a look at these few images created with my old Hassy Fisheye - still pretty cool looking.

Monday, November 26, 2007

© David A. Ziser
We were in the park doing the wedding groups, and having finished them moved on to the images of the bride and groom. After I did the regular compliment of images, I wanted to do something special of the bride and groom. I put the 70-200mm lens on my Nikon D1x - the camera I was using a few years back - selected F4 on "Aperture Priority" mode and shot away. I really like the close crop on just the hands, ring, and lips of my subjects. It captures a really tender moment that I love. Enjoy! --David
Reporting Monday and All Week From Cabo Mexico
Well, we finally made it down to the land of fun and sun - weather is a perfect 82 degrees, the sky is blue with white puffy clouds - heck, I just need a bride and groom and I will be ready to go. We will try to keep the postings going as usually but I might be tempted to bail early if LaDawn wants to hit the beach ;~) If you want to follow the trip more closely, Dave and LaDawn on the Road is live again. Here is the link right here.
Anyway, I still found a little time since we got here and thought these items would be a good read for today, so on with the show...
Revisiting Carrot Cake Lighting

Good Information - Better Printing

Tomato - Tomaato; Nikon D300 - Nikon D3

My Ears, My Ears - 1001 Noisy Cameras

Hey, Gang, that's it for today, I've got to "catch some rays". Actually, I'm not even a "ray" kind of guy - but it sounded so "Cabo". See ya' tomorrow everybody - a very interesting "Technique Tuesday" in the works" - Adios, --David
Friday, November 23, 2007
I made this image while on a trip to Cabo San Lucas a few years ago. We were just strolling through one of the small villages up the coast from Cabo and happened upon several little shops full of bright and rich colors - at least that's what I seemed to be seeing. It was the richness of the primary colors that caught my eye and my camera's lens. Camera specs: Canon 5D fitted with Canon's70-300mm DO IS lens at 300mm; F5.6 @ 1/40 second, ISO 800. Enjoy! --David
The Day After - Oh My!
I hope everyone had a good day yesterday - for LaDawn and I it was nice to have a break from a very busy studio season. Ahhh! But now the good news, for us anyway, is that we are headed to Cabo, Mexico on a 6:00 a.m. flight bright and early tomorrow morning. Heck, I might be showing Cabo 1 - 8 in the next several posts.

How Long Will That Print Last In the Window?

Here are the kind of ink/paper permanence results you can read about: Epson Durabright inks printed on Epson Professional Matte Paper under glass - 105 years. Office Depot ink printed on Office Depot Professional paper - , 8 months!!! Typical Epson Luster Paper with a UV coating (we use Neuschen-Accutech's 1400 acrylic lacquer with UV protection) will last about 165 years, but in dark storage - read closed wedding album - then >200 years! What is surprising to me is how quickly many of the third party inks fade.
Wilhelm Imaging Research has ratings for all the top printers and inks from Epson, Canon, and HP. These BIG three have very long ratings on their paper/ink combinations. This is a great resource site for just this kind of info.
Some "Film News" on DigitalProTalk!

Flicker Fame Forever

It's All About Speed

BONUS POST! And on a Final Note Today - and Only Slightly Related to Photography

Hey, Gang, that's it for today - early wake up call tomorrow morning. I'll be reporting from the warm beaches in Cabo on Monday! Have a great weekend! --David
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I made this image while on a recent visit to Tampa, Florida. The sun had just set a few moments earlier and was working it's evening magic on the sky. I find it intriguing that people walk away from a sunset long before the show is over. I love how the sky takes on its deep azure blue color just before the stars began to appear.
As I was watching this sunset's final chapter, I noticed a fisherman packing up his gear and started heading home. I thought I missed the shot because I was hoping to have him framed right where the sun had set (in the left third of the image.) Nevertheless, I kept shooting.
Now looking at the image, I believe he ended up in the perfect position slightly right and heading out of the. This illustrates even more that he is indeed heading out of the sun's light into the evening's dusk, to home , to rest, to relax, as I hope all of get to do today.