Not everyone has to agree otherwise there would be no sense in the dialogue, would there? So if you don't mind reading a few things you may not agree with read on, if you dare ;~)
Just click on the TITLE and Enjoy!
Here are the Top 10 Posts that "stirred the broth" in in the past:
1. How Much Of A Professional Are You? This post really riled up the forces last year. Be sure to read Part 2 as well.
1a. How Much Of A Professional Are You - Part 2 A rebuttal to so many comments in Part 1 above.
2. Lightroom Running On A Network Yes, Virginia, there is a way to get Lightroom to run on a network. That's how we do it in my studio.
3. Should You Give The Money Back? This actually happened to a colleague of mine. The high school senior loved the images, his mother did not. What should he do?
4. Canon 7D or 5D Mark II for Shooting Weddings. Inquiring minds want to know.
5. 12, No 14 Mistakes New Photographers Make - Part 2. This is an important read. You may want to read #8 first.
6. The "Request Line" Is Now Open. This post asked our DPT readers what they would like to see in my new Kelby Training Videos. Hey, you can still vote
7. A New Series, "The One's That Got Away". I loved writing this series. I looked at images that were good, really good but, not quite "out of the park" great. I discussed what was done well in the image and what need to be done to make the image sing. The entire series was a big hit.
8. 12 Mistakes Photographers Make When Starting Their Business - Part 1. Another important read.
9. Are Wedding Albums Dead? Another thought provoking post on the state of the wedding industry.
10. Time To Recharge My Batteries. What are the best rechargeable batteries to use in your show mount strobes? Be sure to read the comments too - good info.
Here is the List from 2009 too.
#1 - Portrait Day Wednesday: Wrapping the Shoot and Moving Onto Workflow
#3 - Soap Box Friday: Great Digital Argument #1 - PC vs. Mac. Let The Wars Begin
#4 - Quick Hit Monday: "Digital WakeUp Call - A New Dawn" Launches Today
#5 - Wednesday: So Is It Worth It To Shoot RAW?
#6 - Portrait Day Wednesday - What Do You Charge For The Portrait
#7 - Technique Tuesday: Live Shoot At The Wedding Reception & A New Podcast
#8 - Food For Thought Friday: Are You A What If Person? Maybe It's Time To Change Your Thinking
#9 - Food For Thought Friday - Are You Stealing Your Material?
#10 - Trash The Dress Or Trash The Photographer Friday