"You have got to blow your own horn, because nobody else is going to blow it for you," so said Will Rogers years ago, and he was a terrific self promoter. I have been a fan of
guerrilla marketing tactics since the book came out years ago when I was in the early stages of my own studio's development. This article hits the self promotion target with 120 good ideas, and mostly for free, on how you can promote yourself. Here is the
link to the 120 Self-Promotion ideas right here. The article was written for graphic design freelancers but sure is dead on for any up and coming small business.
Catalyst Perspectives, a publication dedicated to advancing woman in business has a great piece entitled, "Axioms For Advancement". The article is not "gender specific" - the advice is no-nonsense" stuff we should all take to heart in our businesses. Here is the
link to "Axioms for Advancement" right here - both excellent reads.
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