Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Quiet Majesty"

"Quiet Majesty"
©David A. Ziser

How about one more image from 20,000 feet? This image was made soon after we lifted off from Cabo, Mexico heading for home. The simple play of the clouds on the water was the first thing that intrigued me about the view. The other, and more important aspect of the image was the softness of the spread of the sunlight on the water. It wasn't too bright - it was just right to keep the detail and textures in the water. The monochromatic feel of the scene adds to the quiet feeling I was sensing as I was composing the picture. All in all, I find the image a tranquil rendition of the ocean's quiet majesty. Camera specs: Canon 40D fitted with 18-200mm IS lens at 28mm, F 8.0 @ 1/2500 second, ISO 400. Enjoy! -David

1 comment:

  1. Which airline are you using that has such clean windows?

    I like to shoot out the window from time to time also but the snot-covered window usually has me say "why bother?".

    The last plane I was on had the chewed up residue of those bright orange fish shaped crackers smeared all over the window.
