Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Marketing Idea From One Of Our Fellow Readers

I was cruising some of the DigitalProTalk comments the other day and came across a comment from Anna who had been reading my article entitled, "15 Ways To Create Vendor Buzz." Anna had a terrific idea about building her client base by cross marketing with a clothing store in her town.

Here is her suggestion. "I work with a local children's clothing store. I have a contest box , where their customers sign up with their mailing address and e-mail, to win a portrait session. I draw one name a month, which their winning portrait must hang in the clothing store for the following month to draw in more customers to the store. Friends and family visit. I also post a sample of the session on my blog with a link to the clothing store. It works great for both of us. I'm getting new potential clients, and the clothing store is getting referrals from me. It's a win/win."
Hey Anna, thanks for the suggestion. This stuff is not difficult stuff, but it does take a little effort. You can't just WISH for something to happen, you have to WANT something to happen the MAKE it happen.

Hey everybody, that it for me today. Hope you enjoy the ideas and Jon's video. I'll see you tomorrow for Inspiration Friday. Adios, -David

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, its a good idea Anna had. I would even describe it as a win-win-win situation, as also the customer who wins the portrait session benefits from it. On you find many suggestions in this field. It's a blog dedicated to the field of marketing co-oeprations or cross marketing. I hope you find the different examples discussed their inspiring.

    Regards, Susanne
