Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Technique Tuesday: Recession Flash - Poor Man's Lighting Set Up

Good Morning Everybody,

International We kicked off my Master Class yesterday with photogs coming in from around the country, including Hawaii, Arizona, and even one attendee traveling down from Barrie, Canada.  Once more, we have an international symposium of photographers gathered together for a great week of learning and fun;~)

We had everyone over to our home/studio last night for our Welcome Party just to relax, share and get to know each other.  Thanks to my team for pulling off a wonderful evening and dinner.

Today we head out to photograph at two of my favorite locations in the city - the Cincinnati Club (who's image is that on their splash page?) and the beautiful Mother Of God Church.  This should be kind of fun today because of the diversity of the locations.  I'm looking forward to all of us capturing some great shots.   

Technique Tuesday: Recession Flash - Poor Man's Lighting Set Up

I was up bright and early this morning to get today's Technique Tuesday up and running before I headed to class.  Well, things took a bit longer that expected and the video isn't going to be rendered in time for me to get it up before I leave. 

So, I’m going to Plan B. Just to keep all my Technique Tuesday fans happy, I’m posting a repeat episode of one of my favorites. Just think of it as a re-release of one of my Golden Hits. I think you will enjoy it. It was a big favorite first time around.

Tomorrow, the planned video for today should be up and running.  It's a double feature by the way, so you won't want to miss it. Anyway, hit the Play button below and enjoy the show!

Hey everybody, that's it for me today.  I got class starting in under an hour and I don't want to be late.  Check out the video and I'll see everybody tomorrow.  Adios, -David


  1. David, Great video on the recession flash! Do you set your camera on slow sync flash? I have kept up with your blog a long time and will see you in Charlotte but what flash sync setting are you using? Thanks

  2. A light stand is ultimately cheaper: It saves you the cost of an assistant.

    But if you're going to use a paint stick, better to cut the frame of a paint roller for the post and keep the paint stick for dual use.

    A warm gel wouldn't hurt either.

  3. I picked up one of the longer Shur-Line paint sticks. Same design, but it extends from 4 to 12 feet. When I'm working fast with a lighting assistant / wife, she can pop the light up to just about any height, but still rest the bottom of the paint stick on the ground. That way, the assistant doesn't have to hold the light up in the air.

    Of course, you can also mount a camera on it and pop it up in the air. I can easily get the camera 16 feet or more into the air and bring it down quickly, without dealing with clamps or thumb screws.

    Also, Kaycey Enterprises makes an adapter to attach standard lighting tools to a paint pole.

  4. Perfect tip for the times.

    Resourceful and ingenious -- results at a lower cost.


  5. What David Z really needs is one of those fantastic zumbrellas like the one I bought at some wedding photog seminar in Denver...Digital Wake Up Call...or something like that ;-)

  6. What is the mini flash your using? I'm new to the site so I haven't seen a lot of the digital pro talk videos. You said we could pick one up at B&H for $20 to $25. Great ideas!

  7. Jason:



    Hope this helps!

  8. Thanks Arved! It helped a lot.


  9. How are you attaching the flash to the umbrella braket, I noticed there is some kind of thread attached to the flash. Can you give complete assembly details, thank great video.

  10. Hi David: Great video, I actually went to Home Depot the other day and found the the paint stick that you are demonstrating in this video and tried the idea out, it worked out so well that I now have 3 paint sticks in my gear bag, I use them with my Nikon SB- 800 Flash guns with an umbrella for my location shoots and they work extremely well and my assistant likes the weight, these are really not strong enough for my Q-flash but work excellent with the speed lights.
    Thank you for sharing
    Tom Hopkins

  11. This might be ridiculous, but if you don't have an assistant with you, think the paint stick would fit in this? http://www.modelshipbuilding.com/jpflagcarrier.htm
