And chill we did - upon our arrival the city was in full "blizzard" mode. We watched three or more inches of snow fall just while we were checking in - unbelievable. By the next day, the temperature was back in the high fifties and all the snow had melted - we were fortunate to experience two season's in 24 hours!

We are looking forward to another big crowd tonight - over 225 photogs strong! I'll fill you in tomorrow. Anyway, let's get started on Quick Hit Monday - lots' of things to cover today.

I was doing my regular browse of the news at the Imaging Insider and saw this story. I had to check it out. The story pointed to one of my favorite sites, Smashing Magazine.com. Sure enough, there they were - links to 40 on-line photo mags - here is the link. Not all of them may be your "cup of Tea" but there are some nice gems in the mix. Give them a peek - there is definitely something for everybody over there, that's for sure.
Inspiration Galore - Breathtaking Beautiful Landscapes
All last week I posted images from Sedona. I thought I would keep the thread alive with these wonderful images I found over at SmashandPeas.com. The site did a series of articles about how to take landscape photographs.
All last week I posted images from Sedona. I thought I would keep the thread alive with these wonderful images I found over at SmashandPeas.com. The site did a series of articles about how to take landscape photographs.

Blogging buddy, and friend of the film camera, Brian Auer has a nice piece at EpicEdits.com reviewing Kodak's latest film - Ektar. OK, why do I even mention this. Kodak introduced Ektar years ago in 35mm format - I remember using it in the early '90's. It was really cool fine grain film.
Anyway, Brian has been playing with all things film lately and has just posted a review of his impressions of Kodak's re-introduced Ektar film in 120 format. Here is the link. For film junkies out there, you will enjoy the read. For "digital only" photogs, it's a nice peak into the film world and the options it still holds for photographers.
I'm Live At On The Web Today!
Well, not really live, but my interview with Jason Moore about a week ago is now on line. Here is the link.
Jason asked some pretty good questions so I hope you enjoy the read. Jason has 8 interviews on line at this time including Larry Becker, Executive Director for NAPP, and John Nack from Adobe. All nice reads - give a peek right here.
Famous Australian Photographer Coming To Knoxville
That's right - famous photographer, Rob Heyman is coming to Knoxville on 28th and 29th of May - just 6 weeks from now. Ron was named one of the TOP TEN portrait photographers in Australia by the YAFFA Publishing Group. I got the word from Steve Chastain - he flew down to the DWC tour in Orlando a few weeks ago. He dropped me a line about Rob Heyman doing an encore performance in Knoxville again this year. Rob did a similar program last year and it was quite the hit.
Here are the details:
Day 1 - Posing and composition; Lighting; Exposure made simple; Location selection; Make your photography unique; Hands-on outdoor photography session.
Day 2 - Digital workflow, image presentation Wow factor!!; Sales strategies; Job Costing – how do I know what to charge; Increase sales and make happy clients; What photos do clients want to buy; Feedback on your portraiture; Keep clients coming back; How to pose a large group
Cost $550 2-days
Check out Rob's portrait work here and his wedding work here - very nice stuff. If you are interested in attending, contact Steve via email - steve@expressionsfoto.com.
Hey everybody, that's it for me today. We are expecting a big crowd tonight in Denver - Hope to see you there. -David
Well, not really live, but my interview with Jason Moore about a week ago is now on line. Here is the link.

Famous Australian Photographer Coming To Knoxville
That's right - famous photographer, Rob Heyman is coming to Knoxville on 28th and 29th of May - just 6 weeks from now. Ron was named one of the TOP TEN portrait photographers in Australia by the YAFFA Publishing Group. I got the word from Steve Chastain - he flew down to the DWC tour in Orlando a few weeks ago. He dropped me a line about Rob Heyman doing an encore performance in Knoxville again this year. Rob did a similar program last year and it was quite the hit.

Day 1 - Posing and composition; Lighting; Exposure made simple; Location selection; Make your photography unique; Hands-on outdoor photography session.
Day 2 - Digital workflow, image presentation Wow factor!!; Sales strategies; Job Costing – how do I know what to charge; Increase sales and make happy clients; What photos do clients want to buy; Feedback on your portraiture; Keep clients coming back; How to pose a large group
Cost $550 2-days
Check out Rob's portrait work here and his wedding work here - very nice stuff. If you are interested in attending, contact Steve via email - steve@expressionsfoto.com.
Hey everybody, that's it for me today. We are expecting a big crowd tonight in Denver - Hope to see you there. -David
ReplyDeleteI am not a wedding photographer. I would never, ever, wish that on myself.
However, I read your posts weekly. You are truly an artist and share your knowledge openly. For that I thank you.
Keep it coming.
David, great seminar last night. Everyone should attend your seminar, even if they don't do wedding/portrait/event photography. You gave great shooting tips, great digital processing tips, great marketing tips - thanks!