Thursday, April 02, 2009

"An Evening To Remember"

"An Evening To Remember"
©David A. Ziser

I made this image as the guests were enjoying dinner in the early part of the evening. We had completed our duties photographing all the guests at the tables and had a few minutes before the festivities really kicked off. I put my wide angle lens on my camera, took up my position behind the bride and groom's "sweetheart table", composed vertically to pick up the cool lighting on the ceiling and shot away. High ISO along with a Fill light and Vibrancy adjustment made in Lightroom completed the presentation of the image. Camera specs; Canon 5D fitted with Sigma 12-24mm lens at 12mm, F4.5 @ 1/10 second - handheld, ISO 1600. Enjoy! -David


  1. What an exciting seminar in Tampa! David Ziser is not only an amazing "painter of light", but a very energetic teacher. It's very obvious how much he loves photography and people, it shows through everything he says, I think he would have gone on and on, if time alowed. He's very upbeat, and humorous. Try not to miss out on this seminar, do what you have to do to get there, it's well worth your time. He makes photo shop look like kindergarten, it's so easy! His seminar will definatly touch you in many ways, and help you as a photographer, as well as increase your business. I look forward to many more!

  2. Loved the seminar David! Thanks for so much great info! Question, what's the name of the "flashlight" looking off camera flash that you had? Things were moving fast and I didn't get the name right I guess because I can't find it at B&H.


  3. Just an amazing breathtaking image. Wow doesn't quite express it. Thanks for setting the bar this high.

  4. great seminar tonight. i learned a lot. thank you for coming down to fort lauderdale. i wish i had gotten an answer to my question about how you kept the church pillars from converging when you took the low-angle shot but someone else's questions were more important i suppose :) i'll figure it out eventually i'm sure.

  5. Dear Anonymous,
    I was looking for the PPT image as I answering the other person's question. When I found it, you were gone. Anyway, the lines DO converge to the top of the image. Maybe I'll post it as an image of the day. Thanks for your nice remarks about the seminar.
