Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Morning Meanderings

Good Morning Everybody,
Well, we wrapped a great class last week with a terrific group of photographers from around the world. I have to say, it is always an honor for me when photographers travel 1000's of miles to attend my Master Class. This time around Stefan from Belgium and Yemmi from Nigeria won the long distance awards. You know, it's the experiences that every class member brings to the mix that makes each class different, exciting, and memorable. I know this class felt the same way - they've already started their own Flickr group to stay in touch.

You know, a lot of people think my class is a wedding class because all you see are bride's and grooms in the majority of imagery. But in reality, it's an advanced lighting class - my models just happen to be brides and grooms. In my class, we discuss how to get the best lighting in some of the most difficult situations. And you know what, just like in any new learning situation, it looks easy on the surface, that is till you try to pull off some of the things demonstrated during the week.

This week, we spent more time with the class shooting than ever before - two days and one evening. But it's more than just shooting, it's learning flattering lighting and composition too. We reviewed each image each class member shoot and I think that played a big part in understanding what we were trying to accomplish during the week. So gang, I'm convinced, more shooting at the next Spring Master Class, April 27-May 1, 2009.

Anyway, I invite you to take a peek at the images from the week's shoot. We ran the gamut of technique from available light, window light, direct sun, on-camera flash, off-camera flash, and on and on and on...

Here's a short Animoto show that recapped the week in pictures. Enjoy!


  1. Great slide show! Hope to be able to take one of your classes in the near future.

  2. When is your next Master Class?
