Monday, June 08, 2009

Quick Hit Monday: New Wedding Blog; Wedding Summer School; Some Very Cool Hassey Images; And Manhattanhenge

Good Morning Everybody,
Wow! What a weekend - we landed late Friday afternoon, rushed home, said "Hi" to the team, changed clothes, and headed off to shoot the graduation ceremony on one of the prominent high schools in the area. I was running on fumes by the time I got back home about 9:30 p.m.

On Saturday, we headed What an experience!! It was a Russian-Jewish wedding with the energetic ABC Russian band from Chicago that gave everyone "dancing feet" all evening. Here is a link to their band page - Hey, you too can listen to some of their music samples. I think a quick trip to a Berlitz course may have helped me understand the toasts and music a bit better ;~) The night was truly beautiful, full of traditions and over-all a wonderful event.

After a little R&R on Sunday - the weather was perfect - we are recharged and ready to wrap the spring segment of my Digital WakeUp Call tour. We head to Louisville this afternoon and then back to Cincy tomorrow. We are looking forward to seeing lots of friends at both cities.

OK gang, let's get on with Quick Hit Monday - lots of good information today.

Hit the "Read More..." link below for all the latest news.

Here we go.

DWF Announces New Blog - Free To Everyone!
This is a pretty darn good piece of news. Digital Wedding Forum - a great resource for wedding photogs everywhere, just announced their new Digital Wedding Forum Blog. Folks, I have to say, it is jammed pack with tons of info already. They have about 60 posts presented.

Here are a few Titles and Links:
John Tassel On Graphic Design [link]
That's Not An iPhone, It's A grey Card [link]
What To Do When Your Prints Get Stolen [link]
And many more right here. [link] Happy reading!

It's Time For Summer School
I finally got a chance to catch up on about 350 emails over the weekend too. Ron Dawson, one the top videographers around is working a project with my buddy, Skip Cohen - most recently the president of Rangefinder Publishing, and before that the president of Hasselblad USA.Skip is putting together a pretty cool educational experience coming this summer at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. It's called Summer School - August 16-19, and yes, Las Vegas is about to get a lot HOTTER! Here is the deal and it is a great deal - 4 days, 10 photographers, only $279 - but wait, there's more that price also includes the $249 convention registration to WPPI next March. Hey gang, that's the best two for one that I've ever heard of. On top of that - room rates are only $69! at the MGM. Here is the link to all the info.

Some Very Cool Hassey Images
While checking through my emails, I came across this link to Hasselblad's Master Gallery Of Images for 2009. The gallery is set up for public voting on the favorite images but is a great stop just to see the stunning images. Here is the link. Worth the quick trip.

One For The Road - Manhattanhenge
And now in the "Not Even Related To Wedding Photography" department, I bring you Manhattanhenge. Wait, don't leave - this is too good to miss. On the way from the airport, I caught this story on NPR Radio - always one of my favorite "listens." This story on ScienceFriday revolved the phenomenon that happens in New York City twice a year. It's called Manhattanhenge.

OK, everyone is familiar with Stonehenge, that mysterious stone structure built in the English countryside about 4000 years ago by the Druids. During the summer solstice the sun's rays aligns with the Heal Stone and giant rocks is a dramatic way. Well. it seems the building in NYC do the same thing at the Summer and Winter Solstices too. I know what you are thinking - "What is this guy talking about?" Just hit the PLAY button below and enjoy the show.

Now wasn't that fun? Anyway gang, that's it for me today. I've got to hit the road for Louisville, KY and catch up with LaDawn who is already on her way with my team to set the room. Hope to see many of you tonight. See ya' then, -David

1 comment:

  1. Did a post about Manhattanhenge on Times Square over on my blog too.

    They also say that viewers can choose between the 'full sun' version of Manhattanhenge or the 'half sun' version - which happen a day apart.
