Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Your Chance to Win Big !!!

So what happened when your brushes, clone tool, etc. don't re-size when you use the left-right bracket shortcut in Photoshop? The first person that posts the correct answer will win my 4 1/2 hour 2-DVD extended edition Digital WakeUp Call DVD set. Put on your thinking cap and get "noodling'."

Hey gang, I've got a plane to catch - have a good one. See you tomorrow. --David


  1. Either "Caps Lock" is ON or your "Layer Styles" is still selected/highlighted in blue.

  2. One go outside the picture and click and then go back in to the picture (your option). I use the ESC key and the clear the resizing block.

  3. your cursor is still in blend mode drop down click in area. Press esc to continue with brush sizing.

  4. If your brushes are not resizing using the braket keys...the caps lock key has been pressed

  5. This happens when you have used a pull-down menu (such as blending mode) and the menu is still the focus for keyboard input (and hence bracket and numeric keys have no effect). I usually hit Esc to return to the normal mode where brush resizing and opacity changes can be completed via the keyboard.

  6. The standard cursor is set in Preferances

  7. check that caps lock is not on.


  8. Press the caps lock button!

  9. Not sure if this is what you're after, but if the caps-lock is set, your brushes, pencil, stamp, etc. go to the cross hair mouse cursor and bugger up your brush, pencil, stamp, etc current size display for your mouse cursor. Won't show changes with the mouse cursor when pressing the square bracket keys. Drives me nuts until I realized that's what caused it. Nice feature Adobe (rolls eyes) ;*)

  10. You selected a hidden layer? (i.e. not visible) Those keys definitely don't work then... but then neither do the brushes.

  11. This happens to me if I change an option such as layer or brush opacity and don't hit enter. For example, if I highlight layer opacity and change it to 50 but don't hit enter, the cursor remains at the end of what I just typed, and I get a "thunk"/error sound when I hit a bracket key, and the brush doesn't resize.

  12. If your cap lock is on you will not be able to change the brush size.

  13. This occurs when the Photoshop temp memory buffer becomes full and needs to be dumped. Close files and re-boot Photoshop. I hope this is it! (Because that is what I have been doing)

    David; I already own this set-IF I win (and that's a big if) can I have you send this to another studio I really think would love and appreciate this?
    Thanks!! Peter

  14. David,

    Enjoyed your recent segment on Thank you for going into so much detail on your back-lighting technique.

    I think I have the correct answer to your contest. If you can't resize brushes, etc. with the bracket shortcuts, it usually means that you have inadvertently turned the "Caps Lock" on.

    I have enjoyed reading Digital Protalk for a quite a while. Thank you for all the time you put into your blog. I really don't see how you have the time to blog and get all your wonderful photo shoots done too. I'm sure you don't have much spare time.

    Keep up the great work you are doing to help others learn from your years of experience!

    Don Pettigrew

  15. Is it possible an action hasn't been completed and the brushes are preset until the action is finalized?

  16. Well, I don't know if this is what you're looking for or not, but here it is anyway!

    I'm using Windows and when I have my brush tool (or clone, etc.) selected I right-click to bring up a brush dialog box where I can change the size and hardness.

    I swear, I right-click everywhere - just to see if there are any shortcuts to be found!

    By the way, I just found your blog last week and I've really been enjoying your photographs. Thanks for including the shooting information too!

  17. You have a pirated / illegal copy of Photoshop or your keyboard is disconnected :)

  18. the opacity field is highlighted, press the escape key, then the left and right bracket keys will resize the brushes
