Friday, May 11, 2012

"Fantasy Landscape”

Fantasy Landscape

"Fantasy Landscape”
©David A. Ziser

I made this image on our first trip to Sedona, AZ a number of years ago.  The colors of the desert, dark green foliage, and rick blues of the sky certainly made you feel like you were standing in the middle of a vortex almost wherever you were.

We were just cruising through one of the scenic drives and I decided to park the card and take in the beauty of the desert a bit more slowly.  Right off the side of the road was this unusual looking plant all alone on its small rocky plot with it’s “branches reaching for the sky.  I’m thinking, “A perfect subject for my wide angle lens.” The wide angle lens really accentuated the foreground and did a good job diminishing the attention on the objects in the background calling the viewer’s full attention to the plant centered in this image.

The title also implies that the colors have been manipulated here, but let me assure you, only slightly. It's the natural surrounds and colors of the dessert that render the scene a lively display of colors with only modest tweaking in Lightroom.

Camera specs; Canon 5D fitted with Sigma 12-24mm lens at 12mm, F5.6 @ 1/50 second, ISO 400. Enjoy! -David

1 comment:

  1. Nice shot of the Ocotillo. Thanks for all your hard work.
