Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"An Evening Kiss"

An Evening Kiss - IMG_8093

"An Evening Kiss"
© David A. Ziser

When doing a beach photo session, this is one of the last photographs I take. I always say that I’ll shoot till I can no longer see the camera bag and that was definitely the case in this image.

The sun had long disappeared below the horizon, but for me, that's when the show really begins. I still had a little cloud structure in the sky and the waves rolling in which gave me some nice textures in the scene.

We were losing the light, but a higher ISO and slower shutter speed worked just fine. I placed my assistant behind the couple. My assistant then is holding the Quantum flash unit about 4 feet off the ground and 12 feet behind the couple to “rim” them out with the light.  I also asked my assistant to point the flash slightly up towards their shoulder blades.  That feathers the “cone of light” off the sand so as to not get a super “hot spot” of light. I love the color, sky, feeling between the couple, and dramatic lighting.

Camera specs: Canon 40D with 10-22mm lens at 10mm, F4.5 @ 1/50 second at ISO 800. Enjoy! --David

1 comment:

  1. Great shot David. I think of you often this time of year. It seems that just about every evening I have been driving home into glorious David Ziser Sunsets. :)
