I'll say what a Week - Last week Digital ProTalk had visitors from 55 countries viewing it in 22 languages. Not bad for the first real week out of the gates. I'm thrilled our readers are enjoying the site so much. This week promises to be just as info-packed (and maybe more.) Check back everyday for the latest, greatest, interesting news, photography and Photoshop and Lightroom tips and techniques. By the way, I'll post wedding images this week - Enjoy! Let's get right to it with some news.
Canon 1Ds Mark III and Canon 40D - the Word is Out!
Yep, That's the news I got. Amazon apparently had BOTH cameras listed on their web site - albeit, before the Canon official announcement - but have since pulled down the pages. No problem - you can still see all the specs and a lot more info by just clicking here.
Great Lighting Lesson by the Master:
I first met Monte Zucker - an icon in our profession - in 1979. Monte and I were friends for over 25 years until his passing earlier this year. He was probably one of the finest teachers on classical lighting on the planet. I was bouncing around the Internet this past weekend - yes, I had a little time off - I found this great article by Monte on lighting. Enjoy it by clicking here.
While We Are on the Subject of Photography
One of my hobbies is macro photography. I picked up Canon's 100mm F2.8 macro lens earlier this year and love it. With macro photography, you have two choices, 1- keep everything in crystal clear sharp focus with a really teeny F-stop or, 2 - go for that shallow depth of field only keeping the subject or part of the subject in sharp focus by using a larger F-stop. I could go on and on here but check out this article on the macro photography by clicking here. I have one suggestion for Canon though - make the macro lenses "image stabilized." Nikon was the first with such a lens with their Nikon 105mm F2.8 VR macro lens. Are you listening Canon?
I Never Knew that Before
Okay, you might think this tip is kind of weak, but I got this email last week that echoed my exact dilemma when I was fairly new to Photoshop. It went like this.
...."I have had a weirdness in all the versions of PS that I wonder if you ever had and if so how you overcame it. During a session the cursor changes to precise and in order to get it to show brush size you have to go to the Cursors menu and change it to "precise" to get PS to show the brush size. No clue why it does that and closing and reopening PS doesn't resolve it. You have to reboot the PC to return it to normal."...
Drum roll please - The CAPS LOCK key was inadvertently turned on - just hit it again to get the brush again. When I first learned that - it was like finally understanding the "Theory of Relativity." (Just click here for more info on the ToR - sorry, couldn't resist.)
One Last Thing - A "Cool" Little Gadget:
This should appeal to all geek freaks - yep, count me in - it's called a Gisteq PhotoTrackr. What's that you say. It's a fairly inexpensive way to get all your images loaded up with GPS data. PhotoTrakr and it's software lets you "geo-tag" your images with the GPS info. Then image hosting sites that are geo-tag enabled can let you, your friends, family, and even total strangers know where your images were taken. Click here for all the info. Now, how many of you thought that was the "coolest" tip you heard today?
Well, I'm off - got to get to work. I'm updating a few of my presentations for Photoshop World coming up the first week of September - hope to see you there. Have a great Monday everybody - see you tomorrow. --David
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