Friday, June 11, 2010

"Guards At The Gate"

Guards At The Gate-IMG_4395

"Guards At The Gate"
©David A. Ziser

I have been wanting to post this fun photograph since I took it while on a trip to San Jose del Cabo about six months ago. We were taking a morning stroll down Finestera Drive on the way to a little cafe for a quick java fix. The walk is always picturesque but when I saw the two dogs peering out from under the gate of this home, I had to take the shot. As I was pressing the shutter button, I knew what the title was going to be. The nearly monochromatic look of the image, the unusual textures in the gate, the nearly symmetrical position of the dogs, and their expressions came together for this fun, awe so cute image.  Camera specs: Canon 7D fitted with 18-200mm IS lens at 200mm, F 5.6 @ 1/320 second, ISO 200.  Enjoy!  David


  1. You're right David this is really cute. A true photojounalistic shot that dog lovers of the world will be loving. They look so peaceful just resting on the cool cement.

  2. I love it David:) Tells a story indeed. What fun!

  3. Great capture! Made me smile. They look ready to play... or just be petted... or ready to protect their yard. It could go many different ways.

  4. "Don't rush off; it's Ziser. He went back for the Zumbrella." Brian F.

  5. Great spot, David,...speeaks volumes,...well done!

    Thanks for sharing!

