Good Morning Everybody,
Hope everyone had a great weekend and particularly that all you fathers out there reading today had a Happy Father's Day. We spent yesterday afternoon relaxing at the annual Goetta Festival [link] held in the MainStrasse Village of Covington, KY. We were in a world of funnel cakes, roasted corn on the cob, beans and rice, but mostly Goetta [link]. I know what your thinking. What in the world is a Goetta? Let me put it to you this way – Seattle has salmon, New Orleans has oysters, Maryland has crab cakes, NYC has pizza, but here in Cincinnati, Ohio we have Goetta [link] – a wonderful concoction of pork, pin oats, and spices, that is a hearty mainstay to any breakfast.
Why at the festival you could find Goetta served up in just about any way possible – from Goetta Hanky Pankies, Goetta Pizza, Goetta Balls, Goetta Gumbalya, Goetta Chedda Cheese, Goetta Chili, Goetta Fried Rice and Goetta Burgers Yep, it was one yummy Sunday afternoon ;~)
We wrapped a busy week just catching up after our travels and have a little easier go of things this week. The slower schedule should let me get caught up on my editing for my new upcoming Kelby Training videos with a few other projects thrown in as well. That said, why don't we get right to Quick Hit Monday. Here we go...
You Just Never Know Who You're Going To Meet On The Road
On a fun side note, you just never who you're going to run into while traveling. While enjoying our last day in Sedona 10 days ago, we were strolling through uptown Sedona and I noticed a young lady with a red striped lens, that would be the expensive L-Series Canon glass, on their camera. I engaged the photographer and took a stab at the focal length. I was right. Well, one thing leads to another and before long we were enjoying a nice conversation about photography.
Sonya, her husband, and two very cute kids had decided to fly out from Florida to visit Sedona for a few days. Check out her website right here – it overflows with wonderfully carefree images of children and families. I love running into fellow photographers while on the road and striking up impromptu conversations. So, if you ever spot me roaming around in your area of the country, come on up and say "HI". I'm always happy to visit.
Card Reader For iPad - One More Time!
Yes, the saga continues. First, Apple neuters all flashcard readers by lowering the power to the connection slot from 100ma to 10ma with an early iOS upgrade last year. Then it was reported a few places on the web, including here at DPT, that M.I.C Store [link] was selling a card reader that would work on both iPad 1&2. A few of our readers gave it a try and reported success.
I just received this note below that changes things just a bit again. Here is what Gary Haley has to say in this latest go around:
"After reading your post [link], I went ahead and ordered myself one of these card readers from MIC. It came in today and I immediately pulled out my newest card and nothing happened! I then put in a variety of different cards which all seem to work. The one that is not recognized is a 16GB 600x card. All of my other cards are considerably slower. So I am summoning at this point that the MIC card reader does not recognize the newest UDMA standards. Just wanted to pass along this as an update for David's blog. I plan on formulating an e-mail to MIC about this also."
Thanks Gary for the update. Why does Apple have to be such a "pain" sometimes;~(
Creativity - We Could All Use A Boost
OK, I've just come off a fairly quiet, reflective Father's Day and that tends to put me into ethereal state of deep thought. Hence, these thought provoking, creative enhancing links for your reading pleasure. Alright, that was a little "tongue in cheek" intro, but all kidding aside, I enjoyed reading these posts and I think there's a lot of good thought and excellent advice contained in them. Please enjoy...
The Jedi Knight's Guide to Photography [link] – great read!
- Influence of passion and creativity on personal productivity [link]
- 5 Creative Exercises for Photographers [link]
- Three Creative Mantras That Will Spark Your Creativity [link]
- 10 Minutes Walk from Your Door: Weekly Photography Challenge [link]
Photographic Inspiration When You Need It
In years past here at DPT, I used to run a series on Friday's called Inspiration Friday. I got a kick out of finding the links that inspired me and always enjoyed sharing them with DPT readers. I felt today might be a good day to visit a few photographically inspiration sites. Here are a few of my favorites I've found over the past week. Hope they tickle your creative fancies, too.
What the Dutch Masters Can Teach Us About Photography: The Center of Interest [link] – great read!
- iPhoneography: Where Photography, Art and Technology Truly Meet [link]
- 35 Excellent Example of HDR Photography [link]
- 35 Cool Snowscapes for Inspiration [link] – Gorgeous images!
Lots Of Photoshop Freebies This Week!
I’ve often mentioned it here at DPT, but this is still one of my favorite sections to put together for our Quick Hit Monday posts. I'm still in awe by all the free stuff/information available on-line. Sure, you have to dig for the gems, but when you can find those gems they can really be a nice resource for your creative workflow. I've got a load of links for you today, so roll up your sleeves and dig right in
The Ultimate Collection Of Photoshop Actions To Spice Up Your Photos [link]
- 750+ Free Photoshop Brushes to Download [link]
- The Power of Photoshop’s Refine Edge Tool [link] – a MUST READ!
- 10 Special Effects Photoshop Tutorial [link] – Fun!
- 20 Outstanding Swirly Brush Sets for Photoshop [link]
- 18 New Photoshop Tutorials to Get Inspired [link]
- High Resolution Unique Stone Texture Pack [link]
Hey gang, that's about it for me today. You've got another treasure trove of great links to enjoy. You just may want to save a few of them for an upcoming rainy day ;~)
Tomorrow I'll be coming at you with a brand new Technique Tuesday. The topic: "Supercharging Your Speedlights For Maximum Power Output". I'll be sharing a few tips and tricks with you that we used during my Sedona Experience a few weeks ago. You will be amazed by your new found Speedlights power! I promise!
See ya’ then, David
Hey great stuff today! It'll keep me busy for a while.
ReplyDeleteI have a MIC card reader and it reads my Lexar 600x 16 GB just fine. I was impressed with the quick transfer.