"Steps Alive!"
©David A.Ziser
Here is an image I made while at Photoshop World late week. We had checked into our hotel room and when I looked out the window, we had a great view of the pool and also these steps leading to the pool area. The early evening lighting was just right for the shot. The contrasting colors of reds and blues looked pretty cool to me. I also liked the contrasts of the diagonal lines of the railings with the the steps themselves. Yes, I "juiced" the colors in Lightroom and slid the Clarity slider all the way to the right for the final effect for this abstract image. Camera specs; Canon 7D fitted with 18-200mm IS lens at 35mm, F4.5 @1/60 second, ISO 200. Enjoy! -David
Textbook seeing vs. looking. Awesome color and line study.