Saturday, December 24, 2011

A 2011 Christmas Message

Good Morning Everybody,

Christmass 2011 LRFotolia_26969115_Subscription_XL (1)I have to tell you, this is my favorite time of the year.  I love the bright twinkling lights, the rich colors of the season, and the wonderful fragrance of pine in the air. I love giving special thoughts to close friends and family as I make the Christmas shopping rounds either on Amazon or at the malls. I like looking over the Christmas card list and reminiscing about the good times, over the years, I've shared with all the special friends and family on that list.  I like reading every Holiday card that crosses our mailbox.  And I love what this season stands for - new beginnings, fresh starts, a celebration of life and love.

Most of us reading this today will be spending time with family and friends enjoying this wonderful season. From kids to grandparents and beyond, families and friends will be enjoying everything this holiday season has to offer - friendship, laughter, good food, and love.  I wish each and everyone of you the happiest of Christmas this year!


As we wrap ourselves up in the joyous surrounds of all our holiday festivities there will be a lot more people waking to Christmas morning with it being just another day in their lives.  I think that's kind of sad.  More sad is the fact that so many receive so little notice from the rest of us on our holiday high. 

A personal project this year brought me in intimate contact with several folks who would not be sharing Christmas at all with family and friends this year.  I got to know a few of these people, I got to look into their eyes, I got to feel their despair, and my heart went out to them.  The overwhelming thought I had was that these were still good people with lots of good in their hearts.  Circumstances had placed them is a much different situation than most of us reading this Christmas post.

That's what got me thinking about today's Christmas message.  Christmastime is mostly a time of religious celebration,  gift-giving and a wonderful time of year to share with family and friends.  Most of our thoughts and gift-giving is centered on those around us.  Said differently, we easily set aside thoughts of the less fortunate around us many of which may only live 10-15 miles away from us.  It's almost, unintentionally of course, that Christmastime insulates us from having to give any energy or thought to the poor and the poor in spirit around us.

heart of the nightMaybe this Christmas could be different.  Maybe with just so much as a small donation, a kind thought, a moments' reflection, maybe even a prayer pointed in their direction at least gives these folks some kind of inclusion into our Christmas celebration too. At least it's a way to reach out in the smallest of ways to those who have so little or may be suffering difficult times.  Sure, we could all do more, but even this small gesture is a step in the right direction to the real meaning of Christmas.

As I said earlier, I wish each and everyone one of you the most wondrous of holiday seasons.  I also keep in mind our less fortunate travelers on spaceship earth and hope and pray that they too find peace, caring, compassion, and love at Christmas.

Merry Christmas Everybody!



  1. Great thoughtful post David. God Bless you and Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
