Thursday, April 15, 2010

Business Day Thursday: Doing It Right - Part 1

Good Morning Everybody,

I hope everybody enjoyed the little "go around" between Joe McNally and I these last couple of days.  I assure you it was all in good fun! Today, I get back to our regular programming. And, I've got a very cool Business Day Thursday post scheduled for today. It's a double header video this week.

thesmiths A few months ago, while we were in Cabo San Lucas with our friends Kent and Sarah Smith, I had a chance to interview them about how they continue to run such a successful $1,000,000 studio even in these less than perfect economic times.

This week and next week I'll share with you those interviews. Kent and Sarah offer some wonderful insights into their shooting techniques, business strategies, and sales procedures which have led to their success.

Kent 1 As I sat there interviewing them, I kept thinking, "Why didn't I think of that?" I'll tell ya', it's easy to incorporate all of their ideas into your own operations.  I guarantee, you will see a difference in your approach to your business and your business' success.

Hit the PLAY button below and see what I'm talking about.


Hey gang, that's it for me today. We are rushing around like crazy this week trying to get caught up.  Early Saturday morning, we head to Cabo San Jose, Mexico with LaDawn's entire family? It' s something she has wanted to experience for a long time so next week is the week.

Don't worry, DPT I'll still be alive and kicking all week from sunny Mexico. Don' forget to check back tomorrow for another episode of "Keeping The Faith".

See ya' then,  -David


  1. Nice Ziser pick me up a t-shirt:)) Have fun you deserve it.

  2. Great info in the interview. They really have their act together!

    I was impressed with the previous video of their presentation you posted of them, and continue to be impressed by them.

    They touch on a noob (or maybe not noob)mistake of not just shooting, but having a plan of shooting certain images for certain products.

  3. Thanks, David. I am not a professional photographer, but I found what this couple had to say to be very interesting!

  4. Excellent! Thanks David.
