"Maroon Bells 2"
©David A. Ziser
Here is another image I made while in Aspen Colorado a few weeks ago. I posted a B&W image from that same trip and just featured that image in today's tutorial. This image was taken from a different vantage point picking up a lot of the rich green algae in the water. After a few tweaks in Lightroom, I love the color version. The rich blue colors of the sky and vibrant green meadow make a picture postcard view of Maroon Bells. LaDawn and I can’t wait to return for another visit. Camera specs; Canon 50D fitted with 18-200mm IS lens at 32mm, F10 @ 1/200 second, ISO 200. Enjoy! -David
I think the only thing you need in this pick is a bride on some plexi glass standing on the water line so it looks like she is walking on the water with some loop light coming from your trusty t5dr! and some skyline chilli to go and a bottle of grape juice:)