Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Technique Tuesday: Photo Ricochet – Great Images With Your On-Camera Flash

Good Morning Everybody,

I hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th of July where ever your celebration took you. LaDawn and I spent a very relaxing weekend right here in good ol” KY hanging with friends on Saturday and hitting one of the family 4th of July celebrations yesterday. What a celebration it was!  It was the 12th consecutive Pyro-Mania, a local fireworks show that my nephew and his friends put on.

I have to tell you, it get’s more amazing each year.  Check out the YouTube clip below – their show went on like that for 30 minutes!


Anyway, it’s back to the real world today.  I got a family portrait shoot this afternoon and then warp a view loose ends for this upcoming weekend’s PhotoPro Network Summer School [link].

HDR Webcast This Saturday At PhotoPro Summer School!

HDR Gavin Speaking of PhotoPro Summer School, we have our special guest and HDR expert, Gavin Seim [link] doing a webcast for all the PhotoPro Network members Saturday evening at 9:00p.m. DST.  For our worldwide listening audience, we’ve arranged a way for you to watch it too.

Gavin is a renowned photographer and photo educator who has a passion for crafting images and making weddings, portraits and art pieces that are refined and unique. Gavin produces the most stunning HRD images you’ve seen anywhere – they are simply breathtaking.  That will be the topic of his Saturday evening program “HDR Photography At Its Best!”. 

The cost is only $9.95 and that will include a free download of the HDR webcast – such a deal!  Just hit the link right here for all the info and to register. Your confirmation will be sent within 24 hours.

Photon Ricochet: Making Your Images Look Great With On-Camera Flash

Hey gang, today I thought we’d revisit a post I did a while back.  It describes a great way to use your on-camera flash to really enhance your wedding and portrait images.  I’ve been using this technique for years and it works like a charm.

I've been bouncing my on-camera flash off the wall for years getting great results. Now with the much faster lenses, the higher ISO's being built into the cameras, and the ability to use apertures much wider than in the old medium format camera days, this technique can create much better lighting on the scene than Uncle Harry's on-camera "blast flash" technique. Why not hit the PLAY button below and learn how to play Photon Ricochet. Enjoy! –David


Hey gang, that’s it for me today.  I’m out the door to photograph my portrait.  Have a great rest of the day and I’ll see you again tomorrow  - all the pixels willing.

See ya’ then,  David


  1. As per usual, Your point is so on what is important, the direction of the light.

    Loved the presentation.

    Thanks David,


  2. When bouncing the flash, are you setting the flash output manually or using TTL or both?

  3. David, when shooting portraits outside and when they need a little fill flash do you bounce your flash off of a reflector?

